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Friday, April 2, 2010

Maiden, Mother, Crone

Last night Hetshepsit and I got into a discussion about this particular Deity model. I'll start with a quote from her:
I honestly do not have a maternal instinct and the Pagan community can sometimes have a lot of emphasis on "first you're a Maiden, then you HAVE to be a Mother, then you HAVE to be a Crone."
My response was rather impassioned, but I've tweaked and added to it for your enjoyment and enlightenment.

A Maiden is not necessarily a young, nubile, sexay thang (or, conversely, not necessarily a virgin either). It is someone who is youthful (different from “young”), independent, and sees the world as a place of possibility and opportunity. But, a Maiden can also be ignorant (as in still having things to learn, not stupid or bigoted), stubborn, headstrong, impulsive.

"Mother" does NOT have to mean "preggers then babies." Someone could have fur babies. Or plant babies. Or idea/project babies. The point of Mother here is nurturing and creation, but also discipline and responsibility. It's a maturity level, not necessarily a familial-capacity descriptor.

Similar deal for Crone, it's a level of wisdom and achievement, a certain degree of respect earned. Also a boldness and perhaps even bluntness... Eh, that word's not right, but basically being "old" enough not to be concerned with others' perceptions and more concerned with the truth one has learned in life; it's a Crone's job to pull away the veil between perception and truth, which is not always an easy or pleasant task.

And lastly, the MMC model is most prevalent in eclectic Wicca (not making a judgment here, just a distinction), but what I'm told of Trad Wicca, it's just that, a model. It's a teaching tool but not the actual view/aspects/distinctions of the Goddess that is taught to initiates. And, there is an explanation as to why the MMC model has gained so much attention and prevalence, but that gets into a history lesson, and is really more appropriate for a seperate post. Which I may very well do in the near future.

For an Outer Court (i.e., non-oathbound) description of the Goddess of the Wica, see this page.